Millions of titles to order

Fitting assortment for all customers

Our expert team is at your service


Van Ditmar offers a range of promotional options to bring your publisher's titles to the attention of your target audience: the reader. Because we use the strength of the entire Audax Group, titles are where they are actually seen and sold.

Ask about the possibilities at

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Advertising for English-language titles

If you want to make sure that the promotions of your English-language titles get the attention of Dutch bookshop buyers, you can't beat advertising in our business-to-business Ready to Read catalogue.
The Ready to Read catalogue is provided to bookstores for making English-language purchasing selections.

Enquire about advertising opportunities at

How can we help you?

Retailers and publishers in the book sector find a reliable full-service partner in Van Ditmar. Together, we would like to see what we can do for your business.

Become a customer