The best partner
for booksellers

Millions of titles to order

Fitting assortment for all customers

Our expert team is at your service

About Van Ditmar

Since its foundation in 1924, Van Ditmar has grown into the full-service trading partner for booksellers in the Netherlands and Belgium. We help publishers and booksellers sell, distribute and promote foreign-language books.

We supply books and related products to various customers every day from a selection of more than a million titles. Unburdening is our keyword. From bookstores to museums and from web shops to department stores; We make an inventory of the wishes that suit your company and then determine the optimal range together. Always personal and always with attention. 

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How can we help you?

Retailers and publishers in the book sector find a reliable full-service partner in Van Ditmar. Together, we would like to see what we can do for your business.

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